The Beano Booster
Rangemaster Clone
The classic Rangemaster sound that Eric Clapton used on the Bluesbreaker Album. This is my take on the beano booster. Classic hand-picked PNP Germanium transistor with 2 toggle switches which will give you a total of 9 Treble, Mid & Full range frequencies. fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass,Led and PSU friendly external power connector. £145 + £5 uk postage.

Tattooed Lady
RangeMaster Clone
I have styled this Rangemaster
For the Rory Gallagher fan.
Classic hand-picked PNP Germanium transistor with 2 toggle switches to get you 9 options from Treble, Mid & Full range frequencies. fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass,Led and PSU friendly external power connector. £145 + £5 uk postage

The Sun Dial/Helios
Classic Fuzz Face Clone
A Classic Fuzz face type pedal with some extra Hubcap John Mods. The awesome dave simpson has the same model on his pedalboard but it has the earlyer artwork. Built around the classic fuzz face design this pedal has awesome fuzz and sustain and cleans up well with the guitar volume pot. inside it has Russian Ge PNP transistors and a 3-way switch with a Treble, Mid & Full fuzz toggle switch. fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass, Led and PSU friendly external power connector. £145 + £4 uk postage.

Iron Man
Rangemaster Clone
This Rangemaster has been made for the people who like Tony Iommi. unlike my other 2 Rangemaster clones, this build has 2 x 3-way toggle switches that will give you 9 different sounds from treble all the way through to full-range boost.
Classic hand-picked PNP Germanium transistor. fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass,Led and PSU friendly external power connector.
£145 + £5 uk postage

Three Nuns Fuzz
Tobacco Tin
Don't underestimate this tonge-in-cheek tobacco tin pedal. It is built with 2 hand-selected low to mid gain silicon transistors and is voiced to giv good clean up and an awesome fuzz sound. Fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass,Led and PSU friendly external power connector. £59 + £4 uk postage.

Silicon Fuzz Face Clone
Vintage Tobacco Tin
Vintage style silicon Fuzz face clone. Available in BC107, BC108, BC109, BC183, BC169 and Fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass, Led and PSU friendly external power connector. £65 + £5 uk postage.

Bleading Heart Fuzz
Tobacco Tin Version
The Bleeding Heart BC183 fuzz is an ear-splitting fuzz. With Volume, Fuzz, Bias knobs and a 3-way tone switch, this thing will just about do it all Thin, Fat & Wooly. Spluttery to glorious hot fuzz. fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass,Led and PSU friendly external power connector. £74 + £5 uk postage.

Germanium Fuzz
Vintage Tobacco Tin
Vintage style Germanium Fuzz face clone Fully pedalboard-friendly with true by-pass,Led and PSU friendly external power connector. £69 + £5 uk postage.